Wednesday, February 29, 2012

PAcleanAir: Our Social Media Campaign

To engage the public and our followers on issues that affect clean air, the media team of the Pennsylvania Clean Air Campaign is developing a social media portfolio. In this post, we'd like to briefly outline our current social media channels, and discuss how we are using these channels to get the word out to our audience.

Our Twitter feed, @PAcleanAir, is the most active channel. In addition to news about our events, this feed will provide links to the latest news about clean air and related topics, including the health effects of poor air quality, global warming, legislation and rules affecting the EPA, commentary and essays from talented environmental writers, and the latest major events impacting the environment. Please follow us!

On our Facebook page, PA Clean Air Campaign, we will keep you up to date on our latest events and on important breaking news affecting the issues on which we work. The Facebook page is less frenetic than the Twitter feed, and will highlight the most important news and events. Please friend us!

Our social bookmarking feed on provides links to important information that can be used as background material on topics of interest. A real advantage of this site is that each link is assigned "tags" that function much like keywords, but with the added feature that we can generate groups of links based on a particular tag (or several tags). For example, at, the user can access links about the EPA generally, but if you were only interested in the EPA's regulation of coal, then you can narrow your search to a subset of links that address that issue specifically at Using these tags, we can provide our readers with links that address particular topics, such as current legislation that affects the environment, the economics of EPA regulations, global warming, and letters to the editor that our group has published. Finally, a narrative exploring a particular topic can be gathered into a "stack." For example, we have recently addressed the fallacious arguments about "job-killing" EPA regulations in our stack, entitled "Assault on EPA couched as a jobs agenda."

Pictures and videos of our events can be found at our Flickr photostream and our YouTube channel, respectively. In addition, our YouTube channel will "favorite" videos of interest, particularly those from the national Sierra Club that address our current campaigns.

We encourage you to engage us on our various social media channels, and follow, friend, comment, like, retweet, etc. on your favorite social media outlets. We look forward to providing you the latest news and information on the topics of interest to our audience.

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