Mark your calendar for these upcoming events sponsored or co-hosted by the Sierra Club.
May 3 - World Asthma Day
- Details of the day
Join Sierra Club's Beyond Coal Campaign Director Mary Anne Hitt
for a full day of action about air pollution from dirty coal burning
power plants, it's effect on our health and our planet.
Rally begins at 12 pm at Philadelphia City Hall
with Mom's Clean Air Force
Then march to EPA Reg 3 HQ at 17th & Arch
Reception and viewing of Years of Living Dangerously Ep. 4
at Drexel University, Nesbit Hall, 3215 Market St,
room 111, Stein Auditorium
- Reception starting at 5:30 pm.
- Viewing at 6:00
- Followed by discussion with Mary Anne Hitt
April 22 - Earth Week Celebration at Drexel University
In honor of Earth Week, Sierra Club Drexel and Philly will be hosting an afternoon of fun and interaction at Drexel University this Friday, April 22, 12-5pm. All are welcome to attend!
Sierra Club Drexel is promoting awareness about storm water run off. They have partnered up with the Philadelphia Horticultural Society, to paint rain water barrels and donate them to local schools in Philadelphia!
Sierra Club Philly will have a table to talk about the Paris Agreement, the Clean Power Plan, and the efforts to clean up Brunner Island Power Plant just upwind of Philadelphia.
We will also will grilling fresh, natural and humanely sourced food from Weaver's Way Co-op, a member-owned grocery located in Mt. Airy. A special thanks to the co-op for supporting our event! Go to www.weaversway.coop to learn more about their mission to support the community and provide healthy, local, organic, sustainable, and fairly-traded grocery.
Please attend, come one come all. Please share the Facebook link below: