On July 29, twenty seven activists traveled by bus to Washington DC to support the
Clean Power Plan rules, and to suggest that the
EPA make the regulations even stronger. This rule proposes to regulate carbon pollution from existing power plants. Among the group were seven vets from the
Veterans Multiservice Center. Seven activists that traveled with the group testified at the hearing, and everyone attended an energetic rally outside the EPA headquarters. Ben & Jerry's provided free ice cream all day, and bicyclists towed trailers carrying signs calling for "Clean Air Now." A children's brigade organized by Mom's Clean Air Force submitted a banner full of handprints to a surprised EPA officer. The testimonials in favor of curbing carbon far outnumbered those opposed (117 to 13 were tallied up to a break in the proceedings prior to our departure).
Public hearings were held in four US cities, and a comment period will remain open until Oct. 16. We encourage you to
submit your comments prior to the end of the comment period, after which the EPA will finalize the rule.
Our activists are testifying in the Pittsburgh hearings also